Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 30: My Dream Came True This Week

Well this week was really busy and let me just let you know that my dream came true this week and I am so happy! 
Monday was a crazy day. We went to the market in jeans and it felt so nice to wear jeans and not a skirt. Man, I miss jeans. We went to Coban and that was always good. We printed off pictures. We had FHE with a member and we got to meet his whole family that are not members and I am praying that they will accept the gospel one day. 
Tuesday- Today was good. We did a lot of stuyding and we made some pretty great goals. We contacted and we taught Tarci for the first time and we finally got past the friend zone with her. With her she is always like, ¨Hermanas you are my friends so lets talk about what friends talk about not about the gospel.¨ Well this week we were actaully able to talk to her because I started the conversation like, ¨Hermana Tarci this morning I was studying about our purpose here on the earth and I am just wondering if you think that we have a purpose here.¨ and that is how we started Lession 2 with here. We then went and visited Hna. Braidy and they needed us there. It was really hot but at night it was really cold. We have a new district leader and we got to talk to him on the phone and he seems pretty cool but I dont know yet. haha. 
Wednesday- We contacted a lot and it was good because we met a lot of really cool people. We visited Hna. Brenda and we taught her a lot and she was really pilas and accepted all of it. We didnt really do anything else today. 
Thursday- We visited Hno. Franz who is a less active and we got to know him a little bit better and it was really great because he said that he is going to come to church this week and that will be a miracle. We had mini divisions and that was good because I went and taught a lesson to one of our investigators and we put a baptism date with her and she is really excited to have a baptism date. We then went and visited a member and she shared her testimony on the power of prayer and it was so great. I felt the spirit so strong. 
Friday- We taught a lesson with Hna. Tarci and we then went and visited one of our investigators that doesnt want to come with church with us. We invited him and he told us that he cant come because of his dad so we are going to fast for him. We went and visited hna. Bren

da and we taught her lesson 3 and she understood it perfectly. 
Saturday- we visited a lot of members and it was great. We then went and visited Hna. Brenda and we talked to her parents because she is 11 and her parents are not very okay with her being baptized so we were able to talk to her mom and she was really strong on her not being baptized but because we fasted and we had the spirit in the room we were able to teach her mom the importance of her daughter of being baptized and she said that it will be okay but we still have to talk to her dad about her date. We also took a very sketchy taxi at 9:30 at night. It was scary. 
Sunday- Okay so my dream came true today. We went to church and that was great. Oh I also hit 7 months in the mission and that is crazy! Well we left and one of our lessons fell through so we decided to contact and we were walking and I heard in English, ¨Hermanas do you want to buy some flowers.¨ I looked and there was a guy that was sitting in a garden and he said come here I want to talk to you guys. Well we went and we found out that he lived in Cali for 25 years and he knows English perfectly. Well I was talking to him and he said, ¨Hermana I want to hear something about God that I havent heard before¨ and so I was able to teach him about Jospeh Smith in English and he was really happy to hear about it. And he accepted a Book of Mormon and we have a plan to go visit him this next week. I have always wanted to teach someone and testify to someone in English and I cried afterwords because it was the best 7 month mark in my mission. 
And today someone tried to take my wallet but I saw my wallet in his hand and I took it back and I talked to him in English and he was really mad at me but I will explain more of that next week. 
Well this was my week and I am so glad that today is Monday because I really have missed talking to you guys and I want to let you know that I miss you all and I have been praying for all of you guys too.
Mom- there are seasons but just like Summer and Fall. Its pretty cold here right now but thats because it rains here all the time and there isnt sun right now. And when there is sun, its really hot. Like really hot. 
Well thats all! 
Hermana Fuller

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